How to Write an Entertainment Review

Entertainment Review is an academic and professional journal dedicated to entertainment law issues such as constitutional law; antitrust litigation; bankruptcy; contracts; corporation law; communication regulation; intellectual property rights such as copyright and trademark protection; sports arbitration and the impact of international trade and taxation on communications and arts industries. As one of the few scholarly publications dedicated exclusively to these complex subjects, Entertainment Review stands as an authoritative source of legal development within this field and remains at the forefront of its subject matter – publishing by Loyola University Los Angeles.
Movie Reviews
A good review can make or break a film and have an enormous impact on whether someone views it. To achieve this goal, keep the review light-hearted while providing critical analysis. Ideally, your reader should leave feeling as though they have gained more knowledge about and insight into the film than when they began reading your review. It is essential to not reveal any spoilers in your review, yet keep in mind that not everyone may agree on everything. One effective way of accomplishing this balance would be providing both pros and cons of viewing this particular film.
Music Reviews
Writing music reviews requires different skills than film or TV show reviews, yet they remain an integral component of magazine coverage. A good music review should include background information about the artist or group being reviewed as well as details regarding their performance at the venue and audience response; plus how well their performer connected with them and whether there was enough participation by both participants and listeners alike.
Live Show Reviews
Reviewing live performances is a difficult challenge that differs significantly from reviewing movies or music albums. Writing articles that capture the magic and energy of live performances requires talentful writers who understand both what makes these shows special as well as why they stand out amongst competitors. To be successful with live show reviews it is vital that publications find someone capable of writing articles that truly encapsulate this artform and can captivate readers who may otherwise find them boring or mundane.
Books Reviews
The Book section of our publication spans an expansive spectrum of genres and topics, such as fiction, nonfiction and children’s literature. Alongside reviews, this magazine often hosts author interviews or spotlight features as well as bestseller lists.
TV Series Reviews
While there are various approaches to writing television show reviews, certain factors remain essential in all reviews of any series. A well-written TV show review should highlight its main theme as well as each episode’s contributions towards it; guest stars and any notable moments such as character deaths or major plot twists should also be included in any such critique.
The end-of-year issue includes The Village Voice’s top ten lists from each of its six sections – theater, film, TV, DVD music and literature. Each section also provides its own Best/Worst List.